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10 Ideal Work from Home Jobs for Disabled Veterans

Are you a disabled veteran looking for work? Worried that there are no jobs out there for you?

Well, we've got some good news. There are actually plenty of jobs that disabled persons can do, all from the comfort of their own home.

There are jobs that can provide a nice chunk of side income, or, if you are disciplined, can turn into full-time jobs.

Here's a list of 10 awesome work from home jobs for disabled veterans.

1. Freelance Writer

Have you always had a way with words? Maybe you've thought about writing as a career, but never acted on it?

Well, a job as a freelance writer may be the career for you.

The possibilities of a freelance writer are nearly endless. You could work as a blog writer, grant writer, copywriter, technical writer, etc.

There are plenty of sites out there where you can find one-time gigs, like Upwork.

Plenty of companies also look for freelance writers to develop content for their websites, or to develop reports or informative writing pieces for other businesses they work with.

If you have no formal experience under your bet, don't sweat it. Just develop a few writing samples for the industry you'd like to work with, create a small website with your portfolio, and start emailing prospective clients.

You can also use this portfolio to apply to formal writing jobs with companies if you'd like something a little more steady.

2. Customer Service Representative

If you're someone who has always worked well with others, then a job as a customer service representative may be the perfect fit for you.

As a customer service representative, you have to be outgoing and energetic, as well as a great problem solver.

Depending on what type of company you work for, you could do anything from answering billing related questions to taking reservations to providing information about services or products.

Those who are bilingual are especially sought after for these positions as well.

3. Transcriptionist

Working as a transcriptionist is another great job for disabled persons looking to work from home.

As a transcriptionist, your primary duty is to transcribe (aka type) audio and video files on a wide range of topics.

Transcriptionists can work in a variety of industries, from medical to legal to entertainment.

While some types of transcription jobs require a couple years of training, such as medical ones, others require hardly any training at all.

If you are a good typer and have good attention to detail, a job as a medical transcriptionist would be great for you.

4. Translator

If you can speak fluently in at least one other language besides English, then a career as a translator could be perfect for you.

In today's globalized world, translators are highly sought after.

You could find work translating anything from legal documents to news articles to novels. The work of a translator never gets tiring.

5. Online Tutor

Have you always dreamed about helping others learn a new subject?

If so, a job as an online tutor could be perfect for you.

You could be responsible for educating youth, teenagers, or adults, in this country or in another.

If you have an expertise in a specific subject matter, such as math, then you could easily market yourself as a tutor to math students of all ages.

Or, even as an English speaker, you can find many lucrative tutoring jobs teaching English as a second language to children and adults in other countries.

6. Etsy or eBay Seller

Are you the one who is always knitting scarves for all of your family members during the wintertime?

Did you know you could take your hobby and turn it into a side business?

If you have a knack for making crafts with your hands, then you should consider making these crafts in a more professional manner and selling them on sites such as Etsy or eBay.

Just be aware that it does take quite a bit of work to build up a steady revenue stream with this type of work.

7. Travel Agent

There's a chance that during your services, you spent sometime trotting the globe.

For former globetrotters, or those who feel comfortable finding information about travel easily, a job as a travel agent may be perfect.

As a travel agent, you will get the opportunity to help others plan vacations, excursions, and business trips.

This job is great for anyone who is a great communicator and has a passion for exploring the world.

8. Graphic Designer

Are you always doodling away on the corners of notebooks and napkins? Maybe you've always loved to draw, but never saw yourself as the starving artist type?

Enter the career as a graphic designer.

Working as a graphic designer is the perfect career for disabled veterans who have an artistic side and are looking for a steady income.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of jobs out there to work remotely for a specific company as a graphic designer, or on a freelance basis.

9. Editor

If you're someone who goes crazy when you see people mixing up their "yours" and "you're" then a job as an editor may be your calling.

Editors are those who look over and edit pieces of writing before they are sent to print.

Seeing that so many things are primarily printed online these days, it's quite easy to find editing positions where you can work from home, editing for the web.

10. Web Developer

Thousands of new websites are created every single day.

This means that there are plenty of jobs out there for web developers.

Web developers are those who create websites and applications, and they also work to maintain them.

There are many different coding courses you can take online these days to learn the skills of web development.

Work From Home Jobs for Disabled Veterans: Wrap Up

As you can see, there are plenty of work from home jobs for disabled veterans to choose from.

All you need is to know where to look for them!

We've made the process easier for you by creating a job board for vets in need of work. Be sure to check it out today.

Show Me the Money: 9 High Paying Jobs for Veterans

Are you a veteran looking for a high paying job? For many, this is a difficult feat to manage. It shouldn't have to be though.

You've gained several admirable and useful skills during your time serving the country. There are many jobs where you can show off these skills and excel. It's nothing short of what you deserve. You performed a great service, you shouldn't have to struggle to get by.

If you're not sure what jobs are out there need you, or how you can apply your skills, we've got you covered. Here are 10 high paying jobs for veterans like you.

1. IT Program Manager

Most commanding officers make it a requirement for you to learn the skills of the person above them. It's actually a really great strategy. It ensures that if something happens to that person someone else can easily step up to the plate.

This is the same way an IT Programming Manager position will work. You'll be responsible for learning the jobs of every person on your team, that way when someone calls out sick or some other unfortunate event happens, you can take over for them until they come back or you find a replacement.

2. IT Project Manager

If you have experience with commanding a unit then an IT product manager job is kind of like that. You'll be responsible for making sure everyone on your team stays on task.

Another factor to this job is that it takes someone with organizational skills. It's because so many pieces of technology have to fall in place to make sure projects are a success. This is another skill that you most likely picked up during your service.

3. Business Development Manager

Being a business development manager is a great high paying job for veterans. You'll need leadership skills and know how to strategize. Again, if you were put in charge of a unit, you'll be able to lead a crew.

You're most likely familiar with strategizing for military operations and business thrives from that. Help the business grow, and gain the trust of your crew to lead things flawlessly.

4. Intelligence Analyst

Do you still feel a calling to help out your country even after your military service? Then you might find happiness as an intelligence analyst.

You'll be working closely with the FBI to protect America's national security. You'll be responsible for reading and listening to all information gathered in field offices to check for any sort of threats.

Being in the military you'll have the eye for detail that this job will require of you, not to mention a strong sense of duty and caution.

5. Electronical Engineer

If while in the military you were in charge of developing weapons, improving navigation systems, or creating test standards for electrical systems then you'll do great as an electrical engineer.

There will be several places for you to find work like firms, government agencies, or in public utilities. There are plenty of options in this job field for you to find work and thrive.

6. Vice President, Technology

It's very true that the military sees a lot of technology before anyone else gets a chance to. This means if anyone can keep up with changes in technology for a company, it's you.

Not only will you have to keep up with these changes, but leading people is also a huge part of the position. Having both of these will make you a huge asset to any technology company. The job title doesn't sound too shabby on a resume either.

7. Chief Information Security Officer

As technology evolves so does those who want to steal confidential information and data. Your job will be to lead an advanced team to protect company data from any of these leaches.

It doesn't end with you leading the team, you'll also have to come up with strategies to combat cyber warfare. It's for these reasons that this is one of the best jobs for veterans. Companies are highly likely to hire a veteran for this position over a regular civilian.

8. Software Developer

Software is a very complicated mistress. When one thing falls apart chances are several other things will as well. There is a lot of trial and error in software development.

This is why companies need someone with exceedingly amazing problem-solving skills. If you've got this, plus strong math skills, and a deep understanding of computers, you'll have this job in the bag.

9. Pilot

If you were a military pilot, why not continue with this job once you've finished your service? That is if you enjoyed your time being a pilot. As you rank up in the military the time you spend in the air lessens but with this job, you'll literally spend most of your time there.

If that sounds appealing to you, then go ahead and transfer your military flight certification into an FAA and get ready to take off!

The Top High Paying Jobs for Veterans

There are plenty of high paying jobs for veterans, you just have to be aware of what skills you have and put yourself out there. Veterans make great managers, leaders, are handy with technology, and are amazing strategists. Any company would be crazy not to hire you!

Applying for jobs are one thing, but interviews are another beast entirely. Visit our blog for common interview questions, how to answer them, and other helpful tips you'll need to ace it.

10 Industries that Offer the Best Jobs for Veterans

The above picture shows two people holding up small American Flags watching a parade

As of 2017, there were 18.8 million veterans in the United States.

At any one time, tens of thousands of veterans join civilian employment with many of them doing so for the very first time. Although the transition might be a bit tricky, choosing a job that closely matches your military experience can make your work search easier.

If you've retired from the military recently and are looking for a civilian career that best fits your training and skills, you're probably wondering what the best jobs for veterans are.

In this piece, we've identified 10 industries with amazing career opportunities for veterans, based on their skills and experience.

Here are our top 10 industries offering the best jobs for veterans.

Law Enforcement

This is hardly a surprise as most law enforcement positions are a good fit for veterans of today. Since police and military work have the same organizational structure, law enforcement can be ideal for veterans.

In addition, law enforcement positions are often similar to those of the military. From detectives to dog handlers, many service members already have got much of the training required to work in the police force.

There are already lots of veterans working in law enforcement, so it's easy to find groups of people with shared experiences.


The aerospace industry values the leadership, management, and military experience of veterans. Top aerospace companies hiring veterans include Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrup Grumman.

Veterans find work within the aerospace industry as mechanical and aerospace engineers.

Skilled Trade

Skilled trade jobs in the military include civil engineering construction, HVAC, and plumbing. These have a great demand in the civilian workplace.

But veterans may need to add continuing education or certifications in order to be hired as civilian employees.


Healthcare offers many career options for veterans because it taps into the various skills they acquired in the military. These include the ability to interact with people well and think fast.

Healthcare is a particularly sound option for individuals who worked as medics in the military.

Some leading healthcare jobs for veterans include:

  • Pharmacist
  • Phlebotomist
  • Medical assistant
  • Nurse practitioner
  • LPN


Government jobs are ideal for ex-service members as they basically follow the same organizational structure as the military. In addition, government roles span various departments and agencies--including civilian positions in the army, air force, marine, coast guard, and navy.

Indeed, the government also has positions for individuals interested in the technology and law enforcement industries.

Veterans will also be pleased to hear that their experience in the military can earn then promotions in their specific careers.

And perhaps the best news of all: Veterans and their spouses get preference for all job openings in the government.

Food and Beverage

This industry is another with lots of opportunities, and it attracts many veterans who want to grow and further their profession.

In fact, 19 percent of veterans working in the food and beverage industry are in management--compared with just 10 percent of non-veterans employed in the industry.

Top jobs for veterans in the food and beverage industry include:

  • Dishwasher
  • Server
  • Executive chef
  • Bartender
  • Restaurant manager


The business industry and military work have one key thing in common: the team spirit that spurs members to work towards a common goal. Veterans will realize this when forming their own companies or taking an entry-level position in a big company.

Military friendly companies in this industry also cherish the skills veterans have. From leadership and teamwork to organization and discipline, these skills make veterans perfect for many business careers.

Some of the best jobs for veterans in the business industry include:

  • Administrative assistant
  • Brand ambassador
  • Business analyst
  • Call center representative
  • Pharmaceutical sales representative

Weapons and Security

Many veterans have skills directly associated with the world of weapons and security. This makes them a perfect fit for security firms.

In this industry, veterans serve in roles that vary from intelligence analysts and management consultants to senior leaders and software developers.

Strong leadership and familiarity with weapon use and national security make veterans attractive in this industry.


Many veterans may not know that they are the perfect fit for tech--the fastest growing industry in the country.

With the recent technology boom across all big cities, employers are looking to recruit the right employees for their companies. And they're not just looking for the next programming wizard--they want team players who can keep time and make the right decisions without supervision.

Contrary to popular opinion, most technology firms aren't that keen on hiring 'rock stars'. Instead, they prefer calm and disciplined people who can get a grip on themselves during stressful times.

It's no surprise then that top companies that hire veterans in this industry include Hewlett Packard, Dell, and Amazon.

For today's veterans, this industry offers a good career that requires a flexible, never-say-die attitude. This is something familiar to soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen.

And considering that most tech jobs offer six-figure salaries, this industry should be a great choice for veterans.


The automotive field is rewarding for veterans with experience in fixing different equipment and vehicles in the military.

Even for those without the experience, it can be a good idea to explore opportunities in the automotive industry. This is because roles in this industry rely on the ability to follow directions, work under pressure, and solve problems.

Some great jobs for veterans in the automotive industry include:

  • Auto mechanic
  • Diesel mechanic
  • Heavy equipment mechanic
  • Automotive parts manager
  • Automotive sales manager

Final Thoughts on the Best Jobs for Veterans

The best jobs for veterans largely depend on their interests, positions held in the military, and experience.

Some veterans opt to go back to school and pursue careers in industries that are very different from the ones they had in the military.

If you're a disabled veteran and are looking to transition into civilian employment, make sure to visit our blog. We've got lots of job opportunities, so browse through our job listings, and post your resume too.

All the best in your job search!


Common Interview Questions for Veterans

The above picture is of two men shaking hands. One is a civilian and one is a soldier.

Whether you're a new military veteran or a disabled veteran, you know how intimidating the job hunt can be. Especially, when you consider the intricacies of the interview process.

Not sure how you should go about the job search or worried that you'll flounder during the interview portion? Well, no need to fear! We're here to help by highlighting the most common interview questions for veterans.

Common Interview Questions for Veterans

When it comes to job hunting, the key to success is being as prepared as possible. That's why we've collected the most common questions veterans are asked during job interviews. By studying this list, you can prepare yourself for the occasion and show employers just how valuable you'd be to their organization.

Here are some interview questions you should expect during the process and the potential ways you can answer.

Why Do You Want This Job?

The first thing most civilian employers will want to know is why you're interested in working in their industry. They'll ask this question because they'll want confirmation that you're as passionate about this field of work as you were about the military. It's important that you really only pursue career opportunities that you're passionate about so you don't waste an employer's time (or your own).

There are many options for military veterans when it comes to their post-service life. You can go to school, work in the military in a different capacity, or explore a plethora of career paths. Think about what you want to do before you try to find your career, and outline what interests you in the position in a cover letter.

What is Your Greatest Strength?

This question is a bit of a doozy for anyone being interviewed. It's easy to make the mistake of boasting about great you are and fail to talk about transferable skills for that specific job.

The best way to answer this question is to talk about a specific ability or skill you have that makes you an ideal fit for the position you're interviewing for. From there, cite a few examples of this skill-set in action. If it's a skill you learned in the military, that's perfectly okay as long as you find a way to tie it to the job you're going after.

What is Your Greatest Weakness?

If an employer asks you what your greatest strength is, you should prepare for them to ask you for the opposite as well. Avoid engaging in doublespeak or pretending that a strength of yours is actually a weakness. Instead, talk about a genuine weakness you have, and the ways in which you're working on improving it. Many of the skills you learn in the military are transferable.

Employers aren't looking for a perfect candidate who possesses no flaws. Rather they're looking for self-aware individuals who can recognize their shortcomings and areas of improvement. By speaking to your weaknesses in a humble way, you can show that you're a mature and insightful individual who would make a great addition to the team.

What Skills Can You Bring to This Position?

First and foremost, employers are interested in how transferable your current skill set is to the job you're applying for. And while you may be inclined to think your military experience isn't wholly relevant to a civilian job, the opposite is true. Military veterans are loyal, they're team players who work well under pressure, and they're methodical, process-driven individuals.

Talk about the soft skills and hard skills you picked up in the military when appropriate. Don't let your fear that your job skills aren't transferable cause you to under-sell your talents in an interview.

Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?

This is an extremely common question employers ask during interviews, in fact; it's kind of cliche at this point. They ask it because they want to know what you want for your career trajectory, and if you'd feel content and fulfilled by the role you're interested in. Employers want ambitious employees who are looking to grow within the organization.

Before your interview, think about your answer to this question. Answer questions like, "are you looking to be a manager?" and "do you want to work in this industry long-term?" This is also an excellent time to ask the hiring manager what growth opportunities and long-term growth opportunities they can provide you.

What's Your Ideal Work Environment?

When it comes to hiring, employers aren't only curious about whether or not you can do the work. They also want to know if you're a good cultural fit for their company. They'll ask you this question to determine if your personal work approach matches that of the team you'd be working on.

Expect questions like "what's your style of collaboration?" and "what kind of management you prefer?" By answering these questions, you can help the hiring manager assess if you'd gel well with the company and its overall culture. This is also a great time for you to ask the employer the same questions to get a better understanding as to whether or not you'd like working there as well.

General Interview Tips for Veterans

Knowing how to answer the questions above will help you immensely during the interview process. But it won't be enough to make the interview a positive experience. Here are some other things you should do during your interview to make a positive impression.

Highlight Your Military Experience & Make it Relatable

Your military experience is what sets you apart from other candidates. Use your background to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Just make your military experience relatable and easy to understand so you don't confuse the hiring manager during the interview process.

Avoid Jargon

Every job has jargon, and the military is no exception. But jargon can easily derail a conversation and make your interview manager feel disconnected and left out. You should always assume that your hiring manager doesn't know any military jargon.

By speaking in easy terms everyone can understand, you can make yourself seem easygoing and relatable, which are two traits hiring managers look for in new hires.

Final Thoughts on Common Interview Questions for Military Veterans

Transitioning from the military to civilian life is challenging. Especially when it comes to landing a new job. By studying the veteran interview questions outlined in this article, you can set yourself up for success during your job interview and score a job you truly love.

Have you recently left the military? Are you in need of a job? Browse a list of open jobs!

10 Things No One Tells You About Leaving the Military

Each year an estimated 230,000- 245,000 service members are leaving the military. These men and women then face the difficult task of entering the civilian working force.

We are here to help make that transition smooth and less stressful. Everyone prepares you for the leaving process.

What about after you leave? We've created a list of the ten things no one tells you about transitioning into your new life.

1. Start Prepping Early

Start prepping for your exit early to ease the transition. This could include getting your degree.

You can also begin laying the groundwork for your own business. You can get a side gig doing something that interests you.

By preparing for the military to civilian transition, getting overwhelmed is less likely. You will take a large transition and turn it into a series of smaller steps.

2. A Culture Shift is Coming

You have lived and worked in an honor-based culture. The needs of the whole are greater than those of the individual.

This is not the case in civilian life. You will find people are more concerned about themselves than the whole.


Your training has taught you to react decisively and to act fast. You have a "command voice" that is second nature to use.

While life-saving on the battlefield, you'll ruffle feathers in an office discussion. This is tough, as you may react without realizing or trying.

Practice developing communication skills for civilian life. Don't let a small conflict escalate into a full-blown battle.


Civilian office jobs do not include cursing. While soldiers grow accustomed to cursing on a regular basis, you'll need to learn to filter.

Consider where you are planning to work, and adjust your language. You may get away with cursing in an auto shop, but not at an accounting firm.

3. What Do You Want?

Knowing yourself, and what you want, is key to your success. This advice comes from the military strategy expert Sun Tzu.

Before you start your job search make a few lists. What are you good at? What do you like to do? How do you add value? What is your advantage over the competition?

Knowing what you want and don't want will help you narrow your search. You won't waste time on something that isn't going to work for you.

4. Networking is Important Now

People want to hire veterans. You need to get out there and let them know you want a job.

Start by using your social media connections. Try putting on a suit and attend a career fair.

The goal is to get in front of as many people as possible. You want to get outside of your community and find people to branch out to.

Use this as an opportunity to learn. Even if you don't get the job, you are building skills.

5. Learn to Sell Your Skills

One of the civilian skills you'll need to learn is selling yourself. Don't depend on your actions or achievements to sell you.

Don't think of it as bragging. You need to let potential employers know what your specific skills are.

An employer is going to look at those skills and know how they benefit their job opening. It is your job to show them how you add value to the position.

6. Patience is a Virtue

Transitioning to civilian life is a long process. Do not get discouraged if things do not go right or fast.

Your first job may not be your destiny, and that's ok. Look at it as a learning process and not a roadblock.

It can also take time to find your first job. It is normal to apply to many different positions before landing one.

7. There is Going to be Paperwork

Your days of paperwork are not done when you leave the military. Prepare to fill out job applications, resumes, tax forms, and medical forms.

Make more than one copy of everything. Once you are out, you will still need the DD214 form.

If you apply for a VA loan they will ask for a Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty. Your future employer may ask for this form too.

If you decide to work for the government they definitely ask for it. If you have these forms ready you won't get delayed in your plans because of paperwork.

8. Save Money

As we covered, it can take time to find the right position. You are going to need money to pay bills during this time.

Plan for rent and utilities for a few months while you get everything in order. You will also need to prepare for changes in budgeting. Things like taxable income and medical insurance are going to need consideration.

9. Your Family is Adjusting Too

You may be the one leaving the navy, but your family is adjusting too. They are happy to have you home but have grown used to your military schedule.

Try to remember that adjusting to civilian life includes adjusting to family life. Use tip number 6, and try to use patience while your family adjusts to the new routine.

10. You Might Take a Step Back After Leaving The Military

This has two meanings, first take a step back and decompress. You are making a major change in your life and it is important to mentally deal with that.

Once you've done this, you are ready to start your job search. This is where your second step back comes in.

Your civilian peers have gotten jobs and developed skills while you were in the military. Your skills are competitive, but you may need to start lower than you expected.

Applying to jobs is competitive, use this as a challenge to work harder and smarter. It is possible to be a top leader at a company, be willing to put in the work to get there.

Leaving the Military

Getting out of the military presents a whole new set of challenges as you adjust to civilian life. By preparing early and knowing yourself you will have the advantage when you are out.

Know yourself and what you are good at. This will focus your job search and save you time and energy.

Save money so you have time to patiently search for the right position. Don't try to rush into something that isn't right.

Don't hesitate to ask for assistance. Start building your network by contacting us.